LGSM leads Birmingham Pride

LGSM members and supporters together with a vibrant trade union contingent led the parade at the 70,000-strong Birmingham Pride festival on Saturday May 23rd.  Many in the gathered crowd that lined the route recognised our original banner from the film and greeted it with cheers and rapturous applause.

Geoff Dexter, on of the activists co-ordinating the bloc, said: “The crowds clapped people on the parade more enthusiastically than ever.

“There were banners from ten unions and the TUC, alongside the National Pensioners Convention and LGBT Against Islamophobia.”

Activists then took part in an LGSM / Trade Union event at the local LGSM centre which featured film showings, panel discussions and a socialist choir! Seasoned and new activists discussed the importance now more than ever of having a politicised presence at Pride and amongst the LGBT community. Speakers included an emotional address from miner Dave Cliff who marched with us. Festival headliner Jimmy Somerville held up a Pits and Perverts poster commemorating the event he headlined 30 years ago.